Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Tattoos art

Install Tattoos on body part, for some, become the media the right to express and experiment. Not surprisingly, then arise decoration activities such as Tattoos, Piercing and Body Painting, exploitation of this for most of the perpetrators intended for style and a statement of rebellion. If the first person to exploit the body for a more specific purpose, for example for identity in a particular culture, has exploited the body through tattooing, piercing and body painting evolved as fashion and lifestyle.According to Bruner (1986) The position of the body becomes very vital because it is the space between the individual and the social encounter, idea and matter, sacred and profane, transcendent and immanent. Body with such a threshold position is not only recognized as a medium for the interpenetration of experience into the self, but also a medium for expression and self-actualization terpancarnya. Even through and in the body, experience and expression are dialectically related.

tattoos that they use the football players Irvan bachdim Indonesia

Tribal tattoo motif

Tattoos are pictures or symbols carved on the body skin using a needle similar device. Usually, images and symbols that are decorated with colorful pigments. In the past, people are still using manual techniques and traditional materials to create a tattoo. Eskimos, for example, a needle from animal bones. Now, people have used the needle of iron, which is sometimes driven by the machine to carve out a tattoo. Shaolin temples using the barrel-shaped copper heat to print images on the dragon skin body.
Tattoos lately become the fashion. When the original tattoo is part of traditional ethnic culture rituals, now grown to be a part of pop culture. At the time of endangered traditional tattoos, tattoos that become part of pop culture increasingly contained in modern human bodies and increasingly unpopular. Therefore do not be surprised to see these artists or celebrities to make tattoos as the inherent identity.

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