As a lifestyle, body piercing in the modern society of the 20 th century unbiased released from the punk ideology. It was they who popularized this lifestyle ditahun the 1970s. Body piercing they do when it is a confirmation of their group identity as a form of resistance to the conservative ideology.Since then, then piercing the body turned into a lifestyle like fashion. This lifestyle quickly spread in all walks of life in many countries after popularized by world-class celebrities. Currently pierced habit has spread almost all over the world.The part that was not only pierced ear lobe, nose, tongue or navel, but also on the brow, temples, cheeks, chin, lips, genitals, and almost all parts of the body surface. Used as a stud is not just metal, but also wood, animal bones or ivory, precious stones, and so forth.Most body piercing is only for the purpose of beauty aka accessories only. But some made for functional purposes. Trivial example is piercing the genitals that is believed (although controversial) can increase sexual satisfaction.
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